Low libido is a term used to describe a decrease in sex drive that can interfere with sexual activity. While low libido can cause tension in a relationship, fostering doubt and guilt in both partners, it can often be treated if the underlying cause is identified.
It happens to a lot of guys, but few of them want to talk about it especially when it is a low libido. After all, virility plays a big role in our concept of manhood. There’s this idea you’re supposed to live up to: “Real men are always in the mood.”
Depending on the cause, possible treatments include:
Your doctor may recommend therapy if the issue is psychological. In many cases, a low libido points to a desire for a closer connection with your partner — one that isn’t sexual, but still intimate. It can help to talk through these issues with a therapist, either alone or with your partner. If the issue is depression, antidepressants can help. Some of them lower your sex drive, though.
What about the meds you may have seen in TV and magazine ads, like Cialis, Levitra, and Viagra? These don’t boost libido. They help you get and keep erections.
The bottom line: Know your body and tell your doctor what you’re feeling. Don’t hold back. That’s the only way he’ll know whether the root of the problem is physical, psychological, or both.
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