More Than Just A Mens Clinic : Top 5 tips men need to know about health

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More Than Just A Mens Clinic: The Top 5 tips men need to know about healthcare


More Than Just a Mens Clinic: The Top 5 Tips Men Need To Know About Healthcare

More than just a men’s clinic: the top 5 tips men need to know about healthcare. When it comes to healthcare, most men don’t take the time to understand what their health risks are and how to avoid them. The unfortunate thing is that also results in these men not getting the care they need for early detection.

This post will help you identify your risk factors and learn about some of the most common diseases that are impacting men today. I hope this post provides you with the information you need to make a more informed decision about your health care.

Mens Clinic International deals with any sexual problems that are related to Weak Erections, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, penis enlargement, STIs, or Circumcision. Do get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specialize in Men’s Sexual Health.

Male Healthcare Risks

There are many risks that men face when it comes to healthcare. The most common are heart disease and cancer.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men, with cancer as the second most common. Heart disease is more prevalent than cancer with 1 in 4 men dying from this illness. While heart disease is a killer, cancer can also be deadly as well. Cancer accounts for 1 in 8 deaths of men, but it tends to take more years off of a man’s life than heart disease does.

In addition to these two illnesses, other illnesses that impact men include:

-Alzheimer’s Disease: This is one illness that has no sex or gender preference and affects people of all ages.

-Prostate Cancer: This type of cancer only affects males, but early detection can help increase survival rates dramatically.

-Diabetes: 15% of men with diabetes don’t know they have the condition and don’t receive treatment because they believe the symptoms are not severe enough to warrant medical attention. Diabetes can lead to many complications like kidney failure and blindness if left untreated.

-High Blood Pressure: When you have high blood pressure, your heart has to work harder and there is an increased risk for a stroke or heart attack. High blood pressure usually occurs without any symptoms so it’s important to get tested on a regular basis.

The Hard Truth About Male Health

Men are more likely to die from prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer than women. Men are also more likely to be diagnosed with HIV/AIDS than women. This is because men often neglect their health needs. They’re not often in tune with the warning signs of a heart attack or stroke, and they don’t get checkups for cholesterol or blood pressure. It’s common for men to disregard symptoms of breast cancer because they think it only affects women.

There are a lot of risks out there impacting male health today that we need to take seriously like obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Eating well and avoiding habits like smoking can be some preventative measures we can put into place today that will make a difference in our future health. We owe it to ourselves to be proactive about our health care so we can live a long and happy life!

How to Avoid the Most Common Diseases of Men Today

It’s important for men to be aware of the top five most common diseases that are affecting them today. Men need to understand that one of these diseases could be the cause of their symptoms and lead to a diagnosis.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among males. It accounts for about 1 in 4 deaths, which equates to 429,000 each year. The estimated lifetime risk for heart disease is about 1 in 2 for men. Tobacco use, high blood pressure, obesity, lack of physical activity, a family history of heart disease, and diet all play a role in this risk factor.

Cancer is another disease men should be aware of because it’s the second leading cause of death among males. About 1 out of 9 men will get cancer over their lifetime that’s 609,000 new cases yearly. This is due to behavioral factors like using tobacco or overeating as well as environmental factors like radiation or exposure to certain chemicals that are carcinogenic.

Prostate cancer is also on this list because it’s the most common cancer found among adult males in America today. It’s estimated that 17 percent-or 1 out 5-men will get prostate cancer during their lifetime and there will be 320,000 new cases yearly. The good news is that there are things you can do to reduce your risk including not smoking and maintaining a healthy weight through exercise and a healthy diet.

Improve male sexual performance

If you’re looking to maintain sexual activity in bed all night, you’re not alone.

Many men are looking for ways to enhance their sexual performance. This can include improving existing problems or searching for new ways to keep your partner happy.

There are plenty of male enhancement pills on the market, but there are many simple ways to stay firmer and last longer without having to visit the pharmacy.

Keep in mind that your penis works on blood pressure, and make sure your circulatory system is working at top shape. Basically, what’s good for your heart is good for your sexual health.

Keep reading to find other easy ways to improve your sexual performance.

Erection Problem

1. Stay active

One of the best ways to improve your health is cardiovascular exercise. Sex might get your heart rate up, but regular exercise can help your sexual performance by keeping your heart in shape.

Thirty minutes a day of sweat-breaking exercises, such as running and swimming, can do wonders to boost your libido.

2. Eat these fruits and vegetables

Certain foods can also help you increase blood flow. They include:

  • Onions and garlic. These foods may not be great for your breath, but they can help your blood circulation.
  • Bananas. This potassium-rich fruit can help lower your blood pressure, which can benefit your important sexual parts and boost sexual performance.
  • Chilies and peppers. All-natural spicy foods help your blood flow by reducing hypertension and inflammation.

3. Eat these meats and other foods

Here are some more foods that can help you achieve better blood flow:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids. This type of fat increases blood flow. You can find it in salmon, tuna, avocados, and olive oil.
  • Vitamin B-1. This vitamin helps signals in your nervous system move quicker, including signals from your brain to your penis. It’s found in pork, peanuts, and kidney beans.
  • Eggs. High in other B vitamins, eggs help balance hormone levels. This can decrease stress that often inhibits an erection.

4. Reduce stress

Stress can affect all areas of your health, including your libido.

Stress increases your heart rate (in a bad way) and increases blood pressure. Both of these are damaging to sexual desire and performance.

Psychological stress can also affect achieving an erection or reaching an orgasm.

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your health.

Talking to your partner about your stress can also calm you down while strengthening your relationship at the same time.

Stress can also trigger bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol consumption, which can harm your sexual performance.

5. Kick bad habits

What you rely on to unwind, such as smoking and consuming alcohol, could also affect sexual performance.

While studies suggest that a little red wine can improve circulation, too much alcohol can have adverse effects.

Stimulants narrow blood vessels and have been linked to impotence. Cutting down or quitting smoking is one of the first steps to improve performance.

Replacing bad habits with healthy ones, such as exercise and eating well, can help boost sexual health.

6. Get some sun

Sunlight stops the body’s production of melatonin. This hormone helps us sleep but also quiets our sexual urges. Less melatonin means the potential for more sexual desire.

Getting outside and letting the sun hit your skin can help wake up your sex drive, especially during the winter months when the body produces more melatonin.

7. Masturbate to improve longevity

If you’re not lasting as long as you’d like in bed, you might need some practice. While sex is the best way to practice for sex, masturbation can also help you improve your longevity.

However, how you masturbate could have detrimental effects. If you rush through it, you could inadvertently decrease the time you last with your partner. The secret is making it last, just like you want to when you’re not alone.

8. Pay attention to your partner

Sex isn’t a one-way street. Paying special attention to your partner’s desires not only makes sex pleasurable for them, but it can also help turn you on or slow you down. Talking about this beforehand can help ease any awkwardness if you need to slow down during a heated moment.

Alternating pace or focusing on your partner while you take a break can make for a more enjoyable experience for both of you.

9. Get more help if you need it

If you have erectile dysfunctionPeyronie’s disease, or other diagnosed disorders, you may need medical treatment. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about how you can improve your sexual performance.

It’s never a bad decision to exercise, eat right, and enjoy your sex life to the fullest.


The fact is, men need to take their health just as seriously as women do. The next time you head to the doctor, make sure you ask about your risks for these top 5 most common male diseases.


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