Men’s clinic Johannesburg CBD services: All you have to Know
Men’s clinic Johannesburg CBD services: All you have to Know. men’s clinic in Johannesburg offers a wide range of health care services and products. We aim to provide you with the best possible care.
The men’s clinic specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of men’s health problems and related family illnesses. We offer a full range of services for men’s health, including urology and sexual medicine. In addition to our private practice, we are also involved in the research, teaching, and training of new medical doctors.
Men’s Clinic is a general medical clinic for men that focuses on improving their quality of life by offering medical solutions to their health problems. Our clinic is located in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Men’s Medical Clinic is a group of physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners who have specialized education and training in the field of men’s health. We provide men with access to leading-edge therapies to help them overcome their male health problems. Our goal is to help men live longer, healthier lives.
Our men’s medical clinic has made a difference in the lives of many men. We will do the same for you.
We are a dedicated medical facility that specializes in men’s health and wellness.
Our board-certified physicians perform all procedures, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care.
Men’s clinic international Johannesburg services offered
Men’s Clinic is a unique resource for men of all ages to access the highest quality urological care and achieve optimal health. Our team of physicians, pharmacists, and nurses is uniquely trained to address the health issues that men face at every stage of life.
At Men’s Clinic, you can get an accurate diagnosis and treatment options that will work best for your particular situation. We work with your primary care physician to make sure that you are receiving all of the care you need.
A Weak Erection (also known as impotence or erectile dysfunction) is not a disease, but a secondary condition brought on by other, primary causes. It is a side effect, a symptom of something else. Thirty years ago, when men went to their doctors asking for help for erectile problems, they were told that there was no treatment because it was caused by aging, or it was all in their heads (psychological). A generation of research has been conducted in the intervening years.
What Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
A lot goes into achieving an erection. When you’re turned on, nerves fire in your brain. Blood then flows into your penis. If all goes well, you’re ready for sex.Sometimes, all does not go well. Occasional problems aren’t anything that needs treatment. If issues happen more often, you may have erectile dysfunction or ED.There are many things that can lead to ED. Some are psychological, and some are physical:
- Stress and anxiety. These are leading causes of temporary ED. If your mind’s too occupied, it’s hard to relax enough to be “in the mood.”
- Being overweight. Carrying extra pounds raises your risk of blood vessel disease, a cause of ED.
- Inactive lifestyle. If you want to reduce your chance of getting ED, get off the couch. Regular exercise can help to make sure that when the time comes, you’re ready.
Premature ejaculation is simply defined as “ejaculation occurring before the individual wishes it”. The condition can be temporary in inexperienced men, adolescents and men who are too highly excited. This includes men who have abstained from sex for a long time. The Hite report on Male Sexuality surveyed over seven thousand men and found that 21% ejaculated within 50-60 seconds. Another 62% ejaculated within 1-5 minutes. Only 1 in 6 men lasted over 5 minutes and 1 in 10 over 10 minutes.There is no difference between nations and races, and no difference between circumcised and those men with foreskins. Most men will last longer if they have sex again a little while later. It can take a man anything from several minutes to several hours to get another erection. In books and movies, the male heroes have sex for hours on end. In real life such men are the minority.
Low libido can loosely be defined as a lack of sexual desire. Low sex drive for an individual is a very personal issue and depends on many variables including age. It is the second most common sexual dysfunction in men after premature ejaculation. A recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association reported this. The loss of sexual appetite is also very difficult for men to discuss. However, there is help available from health professionals such as Mens Clinic International.
Penis enlargement or male enhancement is any technique aimed to increase the size of a human penis. Some methods aim to increase total length, others the shaft’s girth, and yet others the glans size. … Some quack products may improve penis erection, mistaken by consumers for penis enlargement through the use of different medications and remedies like Pills, Creams, and Oils
Penis enlargement Remedy, Medicine, treatments

With the help of different products, we have been able to provide the best enlargement services to our clients all over South Africa and the neighboring countries. Our products are made from natural herbal extracts designed to naturally increase the size, shape, and firmness of men’s penis. Regular application of the products helps stimulate the development of Penis tissue.
Penis Enlargement Pills And Cream
Men’s Clinic Special offers creams, oil, pills products to increase your penis size and make your penis firmer and last longer. At our clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa we offer products like oil, creams, and pills that are made from herbal extracts. Our penis enlargement clinic and products will help you increase your penis, improve penis strength, make your penis stronger, thicker and heal early ejaculation problems. There’s no need for a prescript for ordering any of your products from men’s special clinics.
Sexually transmitted diseases constitute a major health problem in Southern Africa. Significantly, over one million people seek treatment for Sexually transmitted diseases each year. Firstly, in males the symptoms of a Sexually transmitted disease include: Burning urine, painful testis, penile discharge, sores on the penis and swollen lymph nodes in the groin. Secondly, symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in woman include: vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, painful intercourse, vaginal itching, sores on the external genitals and lymph nodes in the groin.
Above all, it is important to seek immediate medical attention, if symptoms like the above are experienced.
The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and co-infection with HIV is high and it is therefore important to take the necessary precautions. These include condoms, spermicides and abstinence till in a stable relationship.
A variety of organisms cause sexually transmitted diseases. The diseases may present in many different ways. Below are the common causes of sexually transmitted diseases:
Warts, human papilloma virus (hpv)
The wart virus causes an overgrowth of skin, forming lumps. There are many types that affect different parts of the body. Direct contact transfers this sexually transmitted disease. The warts are found on the vulva, penis and around the anus. They may be raised and cauliflower shaped, or flat and smooth. Furthermore warts can be single growths or in groups which vary in size. Warts are treated with the application of a caustic paint, Podophyllin. Further treatments include freezing, laser treatment and cutting them off. Recurrence rates are high as the virus remains in the body. Safe sex is the best method of prevention.
Herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). There are two types of HSV virus. Firstly the most common type appears around the mouth. It is also known as a cold sore. The second type occurs around the genital areas or anus. Both types of this virus can cause infection anywhere in the body.Transmission is by direct contact. At the site of infection there is often an itching or tingling sensation. An outbreak of blisters follows the itching. The blisters then form scabs. It is contagious in all stages. HSV is treated using Acyclovir as an ointment. Safe sex is the best method of prevention. However, a healthy diet, exercise, rest as well as reducing stress will help prevent further outbreaks.
The HIV virus causes damage to the body’s immune system, which can progress to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). There are two main types of the virus, HIV1 and HIV2. Transmission is by blood, semen or vaginal fluids during intercourse as well as shared needles. There is no vaccine or cure for HIV/AIDS. Treatment is available to manage the various infections and cancers associated with it. Most importantly, safe sex and single use syringes are the best forms of prevention.Hepatitis, is a virus that can effect the liver. It is spread by sexual contact, exposure to blood and from mother to child. Shared needles also spread Hepatitis. There are three types A B and C. Hepatitis B is the toughest strain. Some people infected with Hepatitis B may carry the virus all their lives. One quarter of these “carriers” will die from liver disease and cancer. Vaccination, practicing “safe sex” as well as single use syringes can prevent Hepatitis B.
We are a group of health care professionals dedicated to providing the highest level of care for our patients. To that end, we have made it our mission to set a new standard for healthcare. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality healthcare in an environment that is both friendly and proactive.
We encourage you to take an active role in your health care. Our programs are designed to not only help you manage your symptoms, but also to make lifestyle changes that will improve your long term health. We are here to provide you with the tools and resources to achieve your best possible health.
The Men’s Clinic offers a complete range of health screening packages, as well as specialized tests, to help you take charge of your health and detect potential illnesses early. We also offer preventive health programs and vaccination services to protect you from infectious diseases.
The Men’s Clinic is accredited by the Accreditation Committee for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (ACHHP) under the Ministry of Health and is in compliance with the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 15189:2012 Medical Laboratory Standards. Our laboratory is also licensed by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA).
Men’s clinic urologist and surgical director of the Men’s Institute Johannesburg
The Men’s clinic Institute was founded to provide patients with a comprehensive and personalized approach to male health care. One of the unique aspects of our program is that we offer all office consultations, diagnostic testing, and treatments in one location, which allows you to receive personalized care in a comfortable setting.
This includes on-site blood draw labs, ultrasound, and pharmaceutical services. This also allows patients who are under treatment for sexual dysfunction to have access to pharmacists who are knowledgeable about the medications prescribed by our physicians without having to go to a drug store for initial prescriptions or refills.
Men have unique health issues. And some of the health issues that affect both men and women can affect men differently.
Mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, substance abuse, and untreated chronic conditions are among the most common health problems men face.
Certain groups of men may also be at higher risk for specific types of health problems than others. For example, African-American men are more likely to die from chronic diseases than other races or ethnicities, and gay and bisexual men are at increased risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
The list of problems urologists solve is a long one. A few of the conditions and diseases managed by a urologist include:
Kidney stones, including stones that cause blood in the urine (hematuria)
Bladder or kidney cancer
weak erection
premature ejaculation
penis enlargement
low libido
Prostate cancer, including surgical removal
Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
Incontinence, or urine leakage
Blood in the urine (hematuria)
Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome, is a chronic condition that causes bladder pain and frequent, urgent urination
Overactive bladder, is a condition that causes a sudden urge to urinate
Prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland, which can be caused by bacterial infections
The Men’s Sexual Health Clinic provides comprehensive care for men with sexual health concerns, including outpatient visits and inpatient consultations.
The clinic provides general urology care as well as specialized services in male reproductive medicine and surgery, urologic oncology, pediatric urology, neurourology and voiding dysfunction, male infertility, microsurgery, and reconstructive urology.
The urinary tract is the body’s drainage system for removing waste and extra water. The kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra make up the urinary tract.
Urologists are surgeons who treat diseases of the urinary tract and male reproductive system.
Urologists are doctors who treat problems of the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive system. These doctors may also be referred to as genitourinary surgeons.
Urologists diagnose and treat patients with urinary tract infections, prostate cancer, kidney stones, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, infertility, interstitial cystitis, overactive bladder (OAB), and more.
Urologists can also perform certain surgeries that improve conditions such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
If you have a problem with your urinary tract or reproductive organs, you may see a urologist for diagnosis and treatment.
Men’s Clinic Johannesburg is a multispecialty clinic where you can find all the best doctors in different specialties. The clinic is located in the center of Johannesburg, in the very heart of the city.
The main purpose of the Men’s Clinic is to provide high-quality medical care for men. We are constantly working on improving our services and improving our equipment. Our specialists regularly undergo training to expand their knowledge and improve their skills.