Very many relationships have fallen apart because of lack of satisfaction in bed due to small penis which cannot make a partner feel another. “I think there isn’t a guy in the world who hasn’t wished his penis were an inch or two longer, “There many ways of enlarging your penis and you save your relationship, some of them include; use of penis enlargement pills, penis enlargement creams, oil, and pumps.
However, after more than a century of generally dubious and sometimes lunatic penis enlargement attempts, there’s still not much you can do. Sure, there are lots and lots of supposed options out there – penis pills, creams, brutal stretching exercises, horrific-looking devices, and penis surgery. Almost none of it works. The few approaches that can work often have modest benefits and serious side effects. How serious? In some cases, erectile dysfunction-serious.
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What else is there? Here’s a rundown of some unproven options to increase penis size. Pills, supplements, ointments, and creams. They don’t work. None of them. “I think it’s safe to say that all of that stuff is complete nonsense,” Berman says.
Stretching with weights. Weights or stretching exercises won’t bulk up your penis — it’s not a muscle. But hanging weights off your flaccid penis may stretch it a bit, O’Leary says. The catch is that it requires a freakish degree of dedication.
The side effects of lengthening surgeries are numerous and include infections, nerve damage, reduced sensitivity, and difficulty getting an erection. Perhaps most disturbing, scarring can leave you with a penis that’s shorter than what you started with. Widening the penis is even more controversial. Side effects can be unsightly — a lumpy, bumpy, uneven penis.
The few studies that have been done aren’t encouraging. The European Urology study looked at 42 men who had procedures to lengthen their penises by cutting the suspensory ligament and found that only 35% were satisfied with the results. Half went on to get more surgery.
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