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                    Weak Erection Or Impotence

Men’s Clinic Pretoria Services, specialists in treating all male sexual problems like weak erection, early ejaculation, penis enlargement, low libido, stis.

A Weak Erection (also known as impotence or erectile dysfunction) is not a disease, but a secondary condition brought on by other, primary causes. It is a side effect, a symptom of something else. Thirty years ago, when men went to their doctors asking for help for erectile problems, they were told that there was no treatment because it was caused by aging, or it was all in their heads (psychological). A generation of research has been conducted in the intervening years.

Doctors divide this very common disorder into four general causes:

  • Psychological
  • Physical (Organic impotence)
  • Mixed origin (both psychological and physical)
  • Unknown origin

About 85% of this problem is due to a physical (organic) cause. Slightly more than 10% is psychological, or “all in your head.” The other 5% is unknown. The 85% figure includes a mixture of physical impotence with psychological involvement. Once a man fails to become erect a few times, he places more stress on himself to have an erection by sheer willpower. When this too fails, he often begins to have a psychological problem. The main point here is this: 85% of all impotent men are that way because something within the body, other than the penis, is malfunctioning. Psychological Impotence describes the problem when physical causes cannot be found. Pure psychological impotence usually comes on suddenly. It can be caused by job stress, a troubled marriage, or financial worries. Any nagging everyday situation which occupies conscious and subconscious thoughts can cause impotence. Depression or concern over poor sexual performance can cause it. Depression or concern over poor sexual performance can cause it. It should be noted that every man experiences temporary periods of impotence at one time or another during his life. That’s entirely normal, and you don’t need treatment unless the problem is persistent.

Physical Impotence develops gradually. One three functional problems cause physical impotence:

  1. Failure to initiate results from impaired release of the chemical messages sent by the nervous system. The inability to develop an erection is common in cases of hormonal insufficiency, spinal cord injury, radical pelvic surgery, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease.
  2. Failure to fill results from poor blood flow into the penis. A blockage in the arteries causes the inability to develop an erection rigid enough for intercourse. This is common in cases of pelvic trauma, hypertension, smoking, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
  3. Failure to store results from venous leakage when blood escapes too quickly from the penis, leaking back into the body. This inability to maintain an erection rigid enough for intercourse is common in cases of hypertension, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, and pelvic trauma.

The consensus of most authorities is that the table below represents an accurate distribution of the various causes of physical impotence. The important thing to remember is that most causes of impotence are physical and often beyond your control. While it is not good to have these physical problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke or prostate disease, etc.), they are conditions you can probably accept and feel comfortable about trying to correct.

Diseases of the blood vessels

Vascular disease is the leading cause of impotence. Vascular disorders include arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), hypertension, high cholesterol, and other conditions which interfere with blood flow. If poor blood flow occurs in the heart or coronary vessels, it causes heart attacks; when it occurs in the brain it causes strokes; and when it occurs in the penis, it causes impotence.

Venous Leakage

Venous leakage occurs when the penile veins are unable to close off (constrict) properly during an erection. Constriction of the veins holds the blood in the penis to maintain the erection. When the veins “leak,” blood escapes too quickly back into the body, and the erection fails.


Diabetes is a very common cause of impotence. This disease can damage both blood vessels and nerves. When nerves are affected, the brain cannot properly transmit the sexual stimulus that creates an erection. About 50% of all diabetic men experience impotence after the age of 55.

Radical pelvic surgery

Radical pelvic surgery may also result in impotence. Surgical procedures involving the prostate gland the bladder or colon may sever the nerves involved in erectile response. Radiation treatment in this area can also affect the erectile process.

Neurologic disease

Nerve disease is another cause of a weak erection or impotence. Neurologic disorders affect the nervous system and include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and spinal cord injury with paralysis.

Deficiencies of the endocrine system

Deficiencies of the endocrine system are another source of erectile dysfunction. For example, low levels of testosterone or thyroid hormone often cause poor-quality erections. Excessive production of prolactin by the pituitary gland may contribute to a low testosterone level and lack of desire. Diabetes is classified as an endocrine disease.

Prescription drugs

Prescription drugs often cause Impotence as a side effect, and over 200 medications fall into this category. Never change a dosage or stop taking a prescribed drug without the advice of your doctor.

Substance abuse

Substance abuse affects erectile function as well. Illegal drugs and the excessive use of alcohol or cigarettes can seriously damage the blood vessels and nerves involved in a normal erection.

Men’s Clinic Pretoria Services, specialists in treating all male sexual problems like weak erection, early ejaculation, penis enlargement, low libido, stis

Men’s Clinic International deals with any sexual problems that are related to Weak Erections, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, STIs, or Circumcision. Do get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specialize in Men’s Sexual Health. Contact us now to find out more about Men’s Clinic International and Weak Erection Or Impotence. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area. To read more about Weak Erection Or Impotence, click here.

Premature Ejaculation or Early Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is simply defined as “ejaculation occurring before the individual wishes it”. The condition can be temporary in inexperienced men, adolescents, and men who are too highly excited. This includes men who have abstained from sex for a long time. The Hite Report on Male Sexuality surveyed over seven thousand men and found that 21% ejaculated within 50-60 seconds. Another 62% ejaculated within 1-5 minutes. Only 1 in 6 men lasted over 5 minutes and 1 in 10 over 10 minutes. There is no difference between nations and races, and no difference between circumcised and those men with foreskins. Most men will last longer if they have sex again a little while later. It can take a man anything from several minutes to several hours to get another erection. In books and movies, the male heroes have sex for hours on end. In real life, such men are the minority.

Causes of premature ejaculation

Physical and psychological factors can cause premature ejaculation.

Physical causes of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation has been linked to many physical causes. There are very few medical reasons for premature ejaculation. In the early 1980s, research indicated that the pelvic muscles, specifically the muscles that surround the erectile bodies in the penis, are in a hyperactive state in men with premature ejaculation. Further, it is known that during the ejaculation process there is increased activity of these same muscle groups. Consequently, it is likely that men who have premature ejaculation have hyperactive muscles that are already on their way toward the threshold to producing ejaculations. Recent studies have also shown that infection of the prostate can also cause premature ejaculation.

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation

For the majority of men with premature ejaculation, the origin is psychological. It may stem from a first sexual experience. There is an enormous of pressure to perform and premature ejaculation occurs. This can cause a feeling of inadequacy that can manifest again as performance anxiety and cause the problem to escalate. This may result in years of feeling inadequate and frustrated. Some men go through their whole lives never really experiencing control of their ejaculation.

Treating premature ejaculation

Various urban legends exist that claim to treat or cure premature ejaculation. Generally speaking, these techniques do not work. Getting drunk, using one or more condoms, concentrating on something other than sex while having sex, biting one’s cheek as a distraction and frequent masturbation are examples of such treatments. One must bear in mind that premature ejaculation is a treatable condition even though it seems to most men to be a huge problem. Various proven techniques exist for treating premature ejaculation.

The squeeze method

The squeeze method was developed by Masters and Johnson. This method has the partner stimulate the man’s penis until he is close to ejaculation. At the point when he is about to ejaculate, the partner squeezes the penis. This makes him partially lose his erection. The goal of this technique is to teach the man to become aware of the sensations leading up to orgasm. He then begins to control and delay his orgasm on his own.

The stop-start method

The stop-start method involves the stimulation of the penis by the partner, where the man will communicate to his partner to stop when he feels that he is about to ejaculate, the partner stops stimulating the man’s penis before ejaculation becomes inevitable. Then as he feels he regains control, he instructs the partner to begin stimulating his penis again. The couple repeats this exercise three times a week until the man has good control, then they progress to stop-start with lubrication, and then intercourse with the woman on top and the man not moving. He again instructs her to stop moving when he senses he is losing control. The couple progresses over subsequent times to having the man move during intercourse in this position and then side by side intercourse. Instead of stopping and starting, the couple may progress to merely slowing down to enable the man to regain control of his urge to ejaculate. While the exercise methods are effective, they both rely on the cooperation of the man’s partner, which in some cases may be a problem. For that reason, other methods are used to help the man get control of the sensations leading up to orgasm.

Drug Therapy – Antidepressants

Drug therapy – antidepressants. There have been reports in the urology literature of successful treatment of premature ejaculation through the use of low-dose antidepressants including Anafranil, Muzak, and Zoloft. Significantly delayed ejaculation is one of the known side effects of these medications. In the studies, extremely low doses of the antidepressant medication have prolonged ejaculation by at least 5-10 minutes. The medication is given approximately four hours before intercourse. It will result in a significant delay of ejaculation. Some patients have described side effects (drowsiness or nausea) with this treatment.

Drug Therapy – Self-Injection Therapy

Drug Therapy – self-injection therapy. Recently doctors have reported significant success using self-injection therapy. Essentially this approach is a self-paced therapy and medication, which over a period of six to twelve weeks will allow one to gain control of the erection rather than the other way around. Within 5 to 10 minutes of administering the medicine to the side of the penis, a full erection will develop that will last even after ejaculation. This means that even if one ejaculates prematurely, the erection will remain firm so making love can continue. The rationale behind this approach is that it will enable extended penile contact with the vagina thereby “desensitizing” the penis. When used in conjunction with the exercise techniques described above this type of therapy has proved successful.

Drug Therapy – Self-Injection Therapy

Drug Therapy – self-injection therapy. Recently doctors have reported significant success using self-injection therapy. Essentially this approach is a self-paced therapy and medication, which over a period of six to twelve weeks will allow one to gain control of the erection rather than the other way around. Within 5 to 10 minutes of administering the medicine to the side of the penis, a full erection will develop that will last for even after ejaculation. This means that even if one ejaculates prematurely, the erection will remain firm so making love can continue. The rationale behind this approach is that it will enable extended penile contact with the vagina thereby “desensitizing” the penis. When used in conjunction with the exercise techniques described above this type of therapy has proved successful.


Frequently, marital and relationship issues may be an underlying cause of premature ejaculation. Counseling sessions to improve the success of the therapy should also address these issues.

General Advice

Remember that sex is for the pleasure of both partners. The concern of satisfying your partner should mean that sexual intercourse becomes pleasurable for you. You must get rid of any beliefs that say, real men, make a woman orgasm purely by prolonged thrusting with the penis. This is not true. Most men have read stories or seen movies in which the male heroes are thrust away for hours on end and the women have multiple orgasms. But in real life, this usually does not happen because almost 75% of women can only have an orgasm by directly stimulating the clitoris. For the majority of women, a good lover is a man who can stimulate their clitoris, not a man who can thrust away with his penis for ages and ages. Many women find prolonged penile thrusting uncomfortable and they may even fake an orgasm to get the whole thing over. The benefits of foreplay and clitoral stimulation can not be stressed enough. Try to use your manual, oral, or mechanical (a vibrator) stimulation on your partner’s clitoris to bring her to orgasm before you even attempt penetration with the penis. This will take the pressure off you to perform.

Men’s Clinic International deals with any sexual problems that are related to Weak Erections, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, STIs, or Circumcision. Do get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specialize in Men’s Sexual Health.

Contact us now to find out more about Men’s Clinic prices and the effects of weak erections. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area.

To read more about premature ejaculation, click here


There are many reasons why some men want to have penis enlargement. These range from they feel they are not satisfying their partner to feeling that their size is not adequate. Consequently, penis enlargement comes down to an individual choice. The question firstly you need to ask yourself is how do you feel about the size of your penis? Only you can answer that! To answer the question of whether to enlarge or not, you need to ask other questions that will lead you to an informed decision. Too many men confuse the size of their penis with their performance! Can we break a myth down right here and now! The size of your penis does not determine if it is satisfying or not to your partner. Other symptoms will present themselves that you will confuse with the size of the penis, these being your ability to hold an erection? Your ability to last a long time (how long is a piece of string?) Your ability to have multiple orgasms? When you grow the penis will grow in proportion to you and your physiology so basically, this means that we are not all the same. Some will have bigger ones and others will have smaller ones. This however does not mean that you cannot operate it or satisfy someone.

What is the average penis size?


A review of several studies found the average flaccid length to be 9–10 cm. Length of the flaccid penis does not necessarily correspond to the length of the erect penis; some smaller flaccid penises grow much longer, while some larger flaccid penises grow comparatively less.


As of 2015, a systematic review of the best research to date on the topic has concluded that the average length of an erect human penis is between 12-12-15cm.

Does size matter to women?

Surveys show that while size does matter to some women, there are far fewer who say that it’s important. Most women agree it’s how a man uses his penis and whether he excels in other areas because intercourse is just one part of sex, and sex encompasses so much more.

Penis enlargement

Penis enlargement, sometimes called male enhancement, refers to an assortment of techniques intended to increase the girth, length, or erectile rigidity of the human penis. Procedures range from manual exercises to stretching devices and surgical procedures, with reports of successes and failures around the world. Some techniques are outright hoaxes. Other techniques can produce some measure of success.


There are several surgical treatments, all carrying a risk of significant complications. The Second International Consultation on Sexual Dysfunctions concluded that most men will not wish to proceed to surgery when properly informed of the likely outcome and risks of complications.What about surgery? There are two basic penis enlargement surgeries.

  • Firstly lengthening the penis. The most common procedure is to cut the ligament that connects the penis to the pelvic bone. This allows a little more of the shaft — on average less than an inch — to become visible outside the body. More of what’s hidden is revealed by this technique. To prevent the ligament from reattaching, a guy would need weights or stretching devices daily for about six months.
  • Secondly widening the penis. For men who think their penis is too thin, more controversial procedures can thicken it using implanted fat, silicone, or tissue grafts.

The American Urologic Association states that these procedures are not safe or effective for increasing the thickness or length of the penis in an adult.

Pills and Supplements

The internet commonly offers penis enlargement products, patches, male enhancement pills, and ointments. Some products contain harmless ingredients. None of these products has been demonstrated to give you a longer penis.

Physical Techniques

A variety of physical therapy techniques have been used. This, in an attempt to enlarge the human penis. Generally, the techniques involve stretching, elongation by the use of small weights, or increasing the blood flow and/or blood pressure in the penis. There is also a significant overlap between techniques. These techniques are to enlarge the penis and are intended to achieve other objectives. These objectives include reversing impotence, extending the duration of erections, or enhancing sexual climax.

New techniques…

One new technique involves injecting the penis with a substance created from the patient’s own blood known as Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM). A new medical technology called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) creates PRFM. Numerous conditions are treated with PRP. These conditions include joint replacement, crush injuries of the face, and penile enhancement. One of the unique advances of using this technology to treat penis size and sexual function concerns is that it can rejuvenate and regenerate penile tissue. Men’s Clinic is currently assessing this option which appears to have a 50% success rate.

The Male Enhancement Treatment Plan (METP)

Using blood-derived growth factors (platelet-rich fibrin matrix [PRFM]), the METP is a safe procedure for enlarging and strengthening the penis.

Benefits of Enlargement

This treatment is natural. Your own cells are used. These cells are treated with a chemical that is not foreign to the body. The cells are injected into specific areas. Since a distillate of growth factors from your own blood [PRFM] is used there should be no side effects from the material injected. This builds the underlying tissue with a possible [but not guaranteed] 10 to 20% increase in length and girth. You should see improvements immediately. Thereafter there is usually a return to prior treatment status in 3 – 5 days. This happens as the water is absorbed. Thereafter the action of the fibroblasts increases the size of the penis. Subsequently, within 2-4 weeks an increase in length and girth is common. The results of this treatment commonly last 15 – 18 months but do not last as long in some people.

Low Libido or Low Sex Drive

Low libido can loosely be defined as a lack of sexual desire. Low sex drive for an individual is a very personal issue and depends on many variables including age. It is the second most common sexual dysfunction in men after premature ejaculation. A recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association reported this. The loss of sexual appetite is also very difficult for men to discuss. However, there is help available from health professionals such as Men’s Clinic International special.

The difference between weak erections or impotence and low libido

It is important to note that impotence and loss of libido are two separate issues. Impotence refers to the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Low libido is a lack of desire. In other words, a man suffering from low libido is able to achieve and maintain an erection but does not have the desire to do so. However, men who experience impotence, initially retain the desire for sexual intercourse but start to avoid intercourse to save themselves from the embarrassment of not being able to perform satisfactorily.

Causes of low libido:

There are two broad categories of causes. The categories are physical and psychological.

Physical causes

Any medical problem or chronic physical condition can cause a reduction in one’s sex drive. Sex may be the furthest thing from his mind when a man is diagnosed with cancer. Even minor illnesses can diminish a man’s sexual interest. Conversely, when men improve their health — through exercise, a low-fat diet or, if necessary, medical treatment — their libido is likely to increase. Conditions such as thyroid disease can cause low libido. Tumors of the pituitary gland (which controls most hormone production, including sex hormones) and depression are also causes. Similarly, insufficient amounts of the male sex hormone testosterone may cause low libido, though such a condition is unlikely to affect erectile function. Certain prescription medications and other drugs can also decrease your sex drive. Many, though not all, antidepressants can diminish sex drive. Other medications with this side effect include tranquilizers and antihypertensive medications. Illicit drugs, such as heroin, cocaine and marijuana, when used heavily and chronically, may lower libido.

Psychological causes

Any kind of stress — whether related to work, relationships or any other area of life — that preoccupies someone is going to diminish that person’s sex drive. For a healthy sex drive a man has to be engaged in the moment. For example if you’re having shouting matches with your partner, your libido is nearly certain to take a nosedive. Sex drive will return to baseline levels once you resolve your differences.Some problems, however, such as depression or anxiety, intense job stress, family worries, serious marital conflicts, experiences of past abuse or conflicts about sexual orientation may require professional assistance. It is essential to seek such help if negative feelings interfere with the rest of life, if they are overwhelming, or if you are no longer able to experience pleasure.

Treatment options for low libido

Depending on the cause there are various treatment options are available to assist patients suffering from this problem.

  • Physical causes: Generally speaking the treatment of the underlying physical condition will alleviate low sex drive for patients suffering from physically induced low libido. For example if the patients loss of libido is attributable to a decrease in the level of testosterone in the body going on to a course of hormone replacement therapy will assist with this problem. Certain prescription medication causes the loss of libido The patient should consult with his doctor about the possibility of swapping the medication with a similar one that does not have the side effect of loss of libido.
  • Psychological causes: Psychologically based low libido is generally treated with a combination of counseling and lifestyle modification. The duration of the treatment is dependent on the severity of the problem.

Finally, it is important that men suffering from low libido consult a physician bearing in mind it is sometimes the only recognizable symptom of a serious medical problem.Men’s Clinic International deals with any sexual problems that are related to Weak Erections, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido, STIs or Circumcision. Do get in touch with us to book a consultation with our professional doctors who specialize in Men’s Sexual Health. Contact us now to find out more about Mens Clinic prices and the effects of low libido. Or click here to book an appointment with one of our friendly doctors in your area.To read more about low libido, click here.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases constitute a major health problem in Southern Africa. Significantly, over one million people seek treatment for Sexually transmitted diseases each year. Firstly, in males, the symptoms of a Sexually transmitted disease include: Burning urine, painful testis, penile discharge, sores on the penis and swollen lymph nodes in the groin. Secondly, symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in woman include: vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, painful intercourse, vaginal itching, sores on the external genitals and lymph nodes in the groin.

Above all, it is important to seek immediate medical attention, if symptoms like the above are experienced.

The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and co-infection with HIV is high and it is therefore important to take the necessary precautions. These include condoms, spermicides and abstinence till in a stable relationship.

A variety of organisms cause sexually transmitted diseases. The diseases may present in many different ways. Below are the common causes of sexually transmitted diseases:


Warts, human papilloma virus (hpv)

The wart virus causes an overgrowth of skin, forming lumps. There are many types that affect different parts of the body. Direct contact transfers this sexually transmitted disease. The warts are found on the vulva, penis and around the anus. They may be raised and cauliflower shaped, or flat and smooth. Furthermore warts can be single growths or in groups which vary in size. Warts are treated with the application of a caustic paint, Podophyllin. Further treatments include freezing, laser treatment and cutting them off. Recurrence rates are high as the virus remains in the body. Safe sex is the best method of prevention.


Herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). There are two types of HSV virus. Firstly the most common type appears around the mouth. It is also known as a cold sore. The second type occurs around the genital areas or anus. Both types of this virus can cause infection anywhere in the body.Transmission is by direct contact. At the site of infection there is often an itching or tingling sensation. An outbreak of blisters follows the itching. The blisters then form scabs. It is contagious in all stages. HSV is treated using Acyclovir as an ointment. Safe sex is the best method of prevention. However, a healthy diet, exercise, rest as well as reducing stress will help prevent further outbreaks.


The HIV virus causes damage to the body’s immune system, which can progress to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). There are two main types of the virus, HIV1 and HIV2. Transmission is by blood, semen or vaginal fluids during intercourse as well as shared needles. There is no vaccine or cure for HIV/AIDS. Treatment is available to manage the various infections and cancers associated with it. Most importantly, safe sex and single use syringes are the best forms of prevention.Hepatitis, is a virus that can effect the liver. It is spread by sexual contact, exposure to blood and from mother to child. Shared needles also spread Hepatitis. There are three types A B and C. Hepatitis B is the toughest strain. Some people infected with Hepatitis B may carry the virus all their lives. One quarter of these “carriers” will die from liver disease and cancer. Vaccination, practicing “safe sex” as well as single use syringes can prevent Hepatitis B.


Pubic lice (crabs)

Pubic Lice are parasites that live on the skin. They suck blood up to six times a day from their human host. They inject saliva under the skin. As a result there is an itching irritation and this is often the first sign of infection. Transmitted through close bodily contact and look like a small freckle at the base of the pubic hair. Treatment: A 1% Permethrin cream.


Scabies are a parasite similar to pubic lice, the female burrows into the skin to lay eggs. After that the young nymphs migrate back to the surface of the skin to mate. The process of burrowing irritates the skin, this causes scratching to relieve the symptom. The scratching helps the mite to migrate further over the body as the eggs and adults can be transferred under the fingernails. Transmission is by close physical contact. Treatment: A 5% Permethrin cream applied to the whole body. This is available from chemists.



Chlamydia trachomatis is a germ that can infect the urethra and rectum. Unprotected sex transmits the germ. The symptoms are usually a discharge, stinging when urinating and a tickling sensation along the penile shaft. Your GP diagnoses Chlamydia. Antibiotics treat Chlamydia.


Gonorrhea is a bacterium that causes infection that shows as a discharge from the penile shaft accompanied by pain when urinating.


A bacterium causes syphilis. Unprotected sex transmits the disease. The first stage shows as a small sore or chancre, which is usually not painful and can be found anywhere on the body. Six weeks later the second stage appears as a rash accompanied by swinging temperature and weight loss The third stage attacks the brain, heart and nervous system which leads to insanity, paralysis and death. The treatment is antibiotics.


  • Use Latex condoms because they offer greater protection against HIV and other STDs.
  • Store condoms in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
  • Do not use condoms in damaged packages or those that show obvious signs of age (e.g. those that are brittle, sticky or discolored). The prevention of infection or pregnancy is not guaranteed
  • To prevent puncture handle condoms with care.
  • To prevent exposure to fluids that may contain infectious agents put the condom on before any genital contact. Finally, hold the tip of the condom and unroll it onto the erect penis, leaving space at the tip to collect semen. The tip of the condom must not contain air.
  • Use only water-based lubricants. Do not use petroleum or oil-based lubricants because they weaken the latex and may cause breakage.
  • The use of condoms containing spermicides may provide some additional protection against STDs. However vaginal use of spermicides along with condoms is likely to provide still greater protection.
  • If a condom breaks, it should be replaced immediately. Moreover, if ejaculation occurs after condom breakage, the immediate use of spermicide is suggested. However, the protective value of post-ejaculation application of spermicides in reducing the risk of STD transmission is unknown.
  • Take care that the condom does not slip off the penis before withdrawal. Hold the base of the condom throughout withdrawal. Withdrawn the penis while it is still erect.
  • Above all, never reuse condoms.
  • Men’s Clinic Pretoria Services, specialists in treating all male sexual problems like weak erection, early ejaculation, penis enlargement, low libido, stis.


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